12.8 C
15:18 - 23 април, 2024

ПО СТАПКИТЕ НА ТАТКО Ѝ: Ким Кардашијан ќе станува адвокат

Неодамна Ким Кардашијан најави дека учи за да стане адвокат и дека очекува тоа да се случи до 2022 година.

Многумина ја обвинија дека тоа го прави од збеснатост поради парите и популарноста, но на тоа, старлетата врати дека ништо не треба да ги запре луѓето да ги исполнат своите соништа.

На Инстаграм сподели и фотографија како учи со нејзините ментори по право, Џесика и Ерин.

Секако, таа нема да се запише на некој од популарните колеџи, туку формалното знаење ќе го стекне во следните четири години, со по 18 часови неделно работа и испити со менторите.

Ким Кардашијан е ќерка на Роб Кардашијан, познатиот адвокат на О.Џ. Симпсон.

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Last year I registered with the California State Bar to study law. For the next 4 years, a minimum of 18 hours a week is required, I will take written and multiple choice tests monthly. As my first year is almost coming to an end I am preparing for the baby bar, a mini version of the bar, which is required when studying law this way. I’ve seen some comments from people who are saying it’s my privilege or my money that got me here, but that’s not the case. One person actually said I should “stay in my lane.” I want people to understand that there is nothing that should limit your pursuit of your dreams, and the accomplishment of new goals. You can create your own lanes, just as I am. The state bar doesn’t care who you are. This option is available to anyone who’s state allows it. It’s true I did not finish college. You need 60 college credits (I had 75) to take part in “reading the law”, which is an in office law school being apprenticed by lawyers. For anyone assuming this is the easy way out, it’s not. My weekends are spent away from my kids while I read and study. I work all day, put my kids to bed and spend my nights studying. There are times I feel overwhelmed and when I feel like I can’t do it but I get the pep talks I need from the people around me supporting me. I changed my number last year and disconnected from everyone because I have made this strict commitment to follow a dream of mine – It’s never too late to follow your dreams. I want to thank Van Jones for believing in me and introducing me to Jessica Jackson. Jessica along with Erin Haney have taken on the role of my mentors and I am forever grateful to them both putting in so much time with me, believing in me and supporting me through this journey. This week I have a big torts essay due on negligence. Wish me luck ✨⚖️

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