12.8 C
00:38 - 3 мај, 2024

Нејзините облини ќе ве освојат: Погледнете ја Амбер, инструкторката за позирање (ФОТО)

Амбер Даун Ортон се вљубила во фитнесот во 2010 година, кога ја освои титулата за апсолутен бикини фитнес победник на своето прво официјално натпреварување.

Амбер претходно се фокусирала на економијата, но нејзината кариера доживеа неочекуван пресврт.

Фото: Инстаграм

Таа сфатила дека нејзината страст е фитнесот, односно здравиот начин на живот, па решила целосно да му се посвети.

Фото: Инстаграм

Денеска Амбер е сопственичка на АДОФитнес, програма под целодневно тренерско водство, а исто така таа е и инструкторка за позирање.

Покрај наведеното, Амбер е фитнес натпреварувач, односно успешен фитнес модел.

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I have two conjoining degrees in business administration with a focus in finance and a second degree in economics.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I genuinely loved economics. For whatever reason, econometrics… the class EVERYONE hated came somewhat easy for me to understand.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ We all enjoy what we are naturally good at ?⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ And we all feel resistance towards what’s “hard” and challenging.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Working out really isn’t any easier for anyone starting out though. Being healthy comes with MANY struggles and resistance.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ We have temptation thrown in our faces daily. Those smells that make you want to go through the drive through… yeah those are chemicals made by the companies and pumped into the air to trick your brain into thinking you want to eat that ?⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ So how did I become “healthy” in my everyday habits?⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ➡️➡️ ?EDUCATING MYSELF? ⬅️⬅️⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ You could tell me all day long not to eat X, Y, Z or to workout because it’s “good for me” but ultimately that wouldn’t have stuck. It wouldn’t have made me change long term. It didn’t.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I haven’t eaten fast food in probably 9 years other than In N Out in 2015. Do I feel it’s hard to drive by fast food chains and not stop? Is it a constant battle to “ignore the urge?” Absolutely not. I truthfully and honestly have NO desire to consume the stuff.?⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ But how did I get to that place? How did I change my ways for good and not just because I was “dieting” or “couldn’t have something”??⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ The answer behind all of my actions is being educated. It wasn’t until I learned exactly what was in the foods I was eating and how they were effecting me that I could really change.?⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Similar to how some people don’t want to watch animal slaughter videos, because they would rather turn a blind eye to the reality of how the meat got on their plate… because they know if they face that reality it would become harder to eat that meat without some sort of guilt or regret… ?⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I’ve watched hundreds of documentaries. I’ve read hundreds of studies, I’ve faced the testimonials, read the personal stories, and made my own conclusions on the information. But SEEING, READING, LEARNING, STUDYING, etc is what changed my habits.? ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣

A post shared by Amber Dawn Orton/Fokken (@mishkadawn) on

Амбер вели дека најмногу ја мотивира поддршката од луѓето кои ја опкружуваат.

Таа има и силна поддршка на социјалните мрежи, каде има повеќе од 200.000 следбеници на Инстаграм, со кои секојдневно го споделува својот режим на вежбање и исхрана.

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