-0.2 C
23:58 - 15 јануари, 2025

Пејџ Хатавеј е фитнес дива од која има што да се научи! (ФОТО)

Пејџ Хатавеј е една од најпознатите и најуспешни фитнес модели на светот, која покрај тоа учествува и на бикини натпреварувања и мотивира стотици луѓе, работејќи како мотивациски тренер.

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I’m here to tell you that if your butt has cellulite then THATS OK. If your butt isn’t round, perky or what society makes you believe it needs to be then your life will not be impacted. I WOULD NEVER have posted a photo like this before having my baby because our society can make you feel less than you are. ☹️ Some may believe that this photo shows my flaws but after having a baby and going through my own personal growth, I realized how amazing my body is CELLULITE OR NOT ? and I appreciate it in all forms. Babies, health, weight loss, puberty, aging: our bodies will change a million times over. Since having a baby I feel like I’ve completely started over… but this time my transformation starts from the inside out. I don’t think about “shrinking” myself down but BUILDING MYSELF UP! My new body has dimples, lose skin, cellulite, it’s squishy, stretched out and it’s even saggy. My new body needs love, compassion, understanding and patience. This journey hasn’t been easy. It’s been messy, hard and painful but it’s also taught me growth. THIS IS ME, REAL, BOLD and VULNERABLE. #bodyapprieciation #loveyourself #myjourney #cellulite #postpartumbody #stillbeautiful

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Which photo do you like better.. (SWIPE) 1 or 2!?

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Со своите успеси таа им помага на луѓето да ги постигнат нивните цели во фитнес индустријата.

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DID YOU KNOW?! ?? MARINE COLLAGEN is a complex structural protein that helps maintain the strength and flexible of the skin, ligament, joints, bones, muscles, tendons, blood vessels, gums, nails, hair and the list goes on. ✨ It’s a type l Collagen which is the most prevalent in the human body. Marine collagen is also 97% protein with zero fat, sugar or carbs. It’s extremely unique to other forms of protein ?? due to its amino acid profile. BIOAVAILABILITY determines how much ingredients/nutrients your body can absorbed after being digested. Since marine collagen is lower in molecule weight and size, it can be absorbed up to 1.5 more effectively. Since it’s absorbed more effectively and enters the bloodstream quicker, it’s considered the highest quality ?? and more bioavailable collagen on the market. (For the reason is why I always say not all supplements are created equal) – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ?? HEALTHY BENEFITS ✨ Enhances gut health and digestion High quality protein and amino acids Anti aging properties (over all improves skin) Bone healing and regeneration (increase density) Antibacterial properties (antimicrobial effects) Wound healing (forms new body tissue) – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ?? DIFFERENT WAYS I USE MY @LIVBODY COLLAGEN ✨ is putting in my coffee (Collagen is a heat stable and flavorless, which makes it the perfect addition to your morning coffee) or in my protein shakes! (collagen and protein to support both joint strength and muscle growth) MIXING IT WITH FOODS – like protein balls (great snack). or even soups (increase the amino acid content without changing the flavor) is a great way to incorporate your Marina Collagen!! ??‍♀️ HOW DO YOU USE IT? – – – – – – – – – — – – – – – – – – – ? Flash sale alert ? Get a FREE #Livshredded, workout wipes and custom @Livbody shaker with every order 125$ or more! Use discount code PAIGE20 at checkout for 20% off your entire order! ✨ www.livbody.com

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Although I take various other supplements for health and wellness, the products below that I asked @LIVBody to include in my Lean Body Stack have helped me specifically with burning fat, improving recovery and building muscle year round. ?? I’ve used similar products to stay lean, build muscle and improve performance in the gym my entire fitness career but LOVE that #LIVBody products are all natural, contain zero artificials and taste really good! ?? – Read below for a breakdown of the products in my own “Paige Hathaway Lean Body Stack” and their benefits? – ? Lean Protein & Greens: Lean source of plant based protein with added digestive enzymes, greens & probiotics. Dramatically helps with recovery when I take it post workout! – ⚡️LIV Energy: All natural pre-workout with organic caffeine, beet root extract & citrulline for enhanced endurance. – ? Hydrating Aminos: GREAT for recovery. I like to sip it mid day sometimes but always drink it during my workouts. BCAA, EAA, Glutamine plus coconut water powder for improved hydration & recovery! – ? LIV Shredded: Makes a HUGE difference in fat burning when taken pre workout. I like to take 1 capsule in the am & 1 mid day when on a cut. Also gives a clean energy boost. If I’m dieting & working out at night, I’ll take the stimulant free version pre-workout. – ? LIV CLA 1000: stimulant free, great for overall health & has several fat burning properties (especially when combined with carnitine & a fat burner) – ? Carnitine + Garcinia: stimulant free, naturally improves energy & endurance during workouts, numerous fat burning properties. – I’m extremely proud of my Paige Hathaway Lean Body Stack also because it has a 4.8 rating ⭐️ and 72 reviews as well!! ?? IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT SUPPLEMENTS OR NEED ADVICE ABOUT SUPPLEMENTS PLEASE MENTION THEM IN COMMENTS BELOW! ????

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На Инстаграм, Твитер и Фејсбук, Пејџ има милиони следбеници, кои секојдневно ги радува со фотографии од нејзината совршена фигура.

– Ако сакате да бидете успешни морате да има силна волја и желба да ја постигнете вашата цел. Морате во своето срце да знаете дека доследноста и истрајноста се единствената можност. Не морате да бидете многу талентирани, ниту пак да имате завршено високо образование. Потребна ви е само голема решителност – гласи пораката на Хатавеј до своите следбеници.

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