-8.2 C
05:27 - 22 февруари, 2025

Ќе има нов „Кум“, а Ал Пачино е во главната улога!

Ал Пачино (79) ќе го игра некогашниот бродски тајкун Аристотел Оназис во претстоечката биографска драма Nemesis, пренесува порталот Greek Gateway.


Филмот ќе го режира бразилскиот режисер Фернандо Меирелес, автор на „Град Божји“. Режисерот истакнал дека ова ќе биде „новиот Кум“, а Аристотел Оназис ќе биде центар на приказната.

Работата на филмот е заснована според книгата „Противник: Вистинската приказна за Аристотел Оназис, Џеки О, и љубовниот триаголник кој го собори семејството Кенеди“.

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#onthisday 54 years ago-Nov. 25, 1963-the nation said goodbye to assassinated President John F. Kennedy via a large state funeral. The 35th President of the United States had been assassinated in Dallas, Texas three days earlier. While he was the fourth president to be assassinated after Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley, he was the first and only modern president to die by an assassin's bullet and have his funeral broadcast live on television. This photo shows one of the most enduring images from the Kennedy funeral: the President's son, John F. Kennedy, Jr., saluting his father's casket. The funeral took place on John Jr.'s third birthday. President Kennedy was interred in @arlingtonnatl, where his grave remains one of the most-visited sites in the cemetery. Mrs. Kennedy was also laid to rest there following her death in 1994. #kennedyassassination #kennedyfuneral #presidentialassassination #POTUS #johnfkennedy #findyourpark

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Ова дело се занимава со односот на Оназис и Боби Кенеди кој ги истражувал деловните постапки на Аристотел, а потоа ја забранил и неговата трговија со САД. Писателот Питер Еванс ја истакнува и борбата на овие моќници за Џеки Кенеди, која станала толку насилна што Аристотел го финансирал атентатот на Боби.

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On this day in History, Nov 25, 1963, President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery, after an assassin’s bullet took his life. At 1:08 p.m., on Sunday, Nov. 24, 1963, Kennedy’s flag-draped coffin was carried out of the White House, accompanied by Jacqueline Kennedy and their two children, Caroline and John Jr. The coffin was carried by a horse-drawn caisson with an honor guard to the Capitol Rotunda. There the president lay in state for 21 hours. During this time, over 250,000 people passed through the Rotunda to pay their respects to their fallen president. On Monday, Nov. 25, 1963, the Rotunda was closed to the public, and the caisson carrying Kennedy’s body left Capitol Hill. Jacqueline Kennedy led the funeral procession on foot heading for the White House and then on to St. Matthews Cathedral. More than 800,000 people lined up in the cold on Pennsylvania Ave. to watch the president’s funeral procession. Many of the onlookers cried openly as the president’s body passed by. At 12:14 p.m., the coffin entered St. Matthew’s Cathedral. Among those present for the funeral mass were Presidents Truman and Eisenhower and more than 53 heads of state. One hour and sixteen minutes later, the funeral procession departed the cathedral for Arlington National Cemetery. At 3:07 p.m., at Arlington National Cemetery, the mournful notes of “Taps” were played, followed by a flag-folding ceremony. Then Jacqueline Kennedy lit the eternal flame which continues to burn to this day, in memory of our 35th president, John F. Kennedy. This History Moment was brought to you by the Smoky Mountain Relic Room, Home to the largest diversity of History for sale in North America! Located inside Smoky Mountain Knife Works in Sevierville TN. Be sure to follow our adventures discovering History on our Youtube channel “Chasing History” Enjoy thrilling conversations about ALL THINGS HISTORY on our Podcast “Chasing History Radio” Bring history home at our Ebay store: www.ebay.com/str/relicroomrendezvous #smokymountainrelicroom #smokymountainknifeworks #JFK #allingtonnationalcemetary #kennedyfuneral #relicroomrendezvous #history #historyrocks #historybuff #kennedy

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Се слушаат гласини дека Мајкл Фасбендер ќе го игра Боби, а датумот за почеток на снимањето се уште не е познат.

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