1.8 C
20:26 - 22 февруари, 2025

Фитнес модел чија фигура и изглед нема да остават никого рамнодушен (ФОТО)

Мелиса Карвер е една од најзгодните жени во светот, таа е родена во Австралија, а позната е како фитнес и бикини модел.

Карвер се натпреваруваше на бројни ревии ширум светот, вклучувајќи го и спортскиот фестивал Арнолд во 2017 година, каде го освои првото место.

Покрај моделирањето, Мелиса е и личен тренер и амбасадорка на значајни спортски компании ширум светот.

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…”the most beautiful part to loving a guarded girl is this. If she lets you in, it’s not because she needs you. She stopped needing people a long time ago. It’s because she wants you. And that is the purest love of all” ? Always loved this quote, guarded is an understatement, I near built a Great Wall of China around me ?…just under 5 weeks until the @arnoldsportsau I’m working hard to bring my best package to date to the stage, this will be my first show in a couple of years and boy has it been a journey. I feel so grateful for everyone who’s believed in me, supported me and helped me throughout the good and the challenging times. Whether I place or come last, getting back up there will be a huge accomplishment for me. I’ve definitely fallen back in love with the process of prep, I feel so happy working hard and being able to motivate even one other person to make a change or keep pushing on. I know that many may consider my lifestyle boring or mundane, but I love it! It’s me v me and I’m determined to beat my old self ?? #KMF

A post shared by IFBB Bikini Pro Melissa Carver (@melissa_carver_x) on

Во сите нас постои дух на борец и ќе бев слаба ако му дозволев на светот да ме спречи на патот кон моите сништа – вели Карвер.

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…happy hump day! I’ve had a lot of requests to post more workouts + diet info as opposed to just “posing” shots. Whilst I’d love to do this and will do soin the future, my focus right now is on trying to get all my training done and meals in whilst working full time. When I’m training lately, I’m really not in a position to record what I’m doing so I do apologise and appreciate those who still follow and support me despite my content, thank you ? Had a big leg session last night at the Mecca @dohertysgym ————————————————————— I’ve noted the workout assigned by my coach below: Lying Leg Curl 3 x 6-8 Squats 3 x 8-10 Leg Extensions 3 x 12-15 Hip Thrust 3 x 10-12 DB Backwards Lunge 3 x 10-12 per leg Stiffleg Deadlift 3 x 12-15 Standing Calf Raise 3 x 12-15 Fit Ball Crunch 3 x 15-18 Give it a go and let me know what you think xo

A post shared by IFBB Bikini Pro Melissa Carver (@melissa_carver_x) on

Прекрасната Мелиса има многубројни обожаватели ширум светот, со кои секојдневно споделува корисни совети за тренингот и исхраната преку социјалните мрежи.

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…this is the usual me, messy hair & ugg boots ? I’m no fancy Instagram model, I work a full time office job and spend my evenings (and now some mornings as well) at the gym working towards my goals, I barely have time to wash my hair let alone take pretty pictures for the gram haha. If you’ve been following me lately you’ll have noticed recently I’ve been doing more cardio, I have a lot of weight to lose before I step on stage come March but week by week I’m making progress, peaches are getting smaller but it’s all part of the process. Just wanted to say thank you to all of you who follow me, especially for all your messages and words of encouragement, whilst I may not have time to reply to everyone, I do read everything and really appreciate the love and support! ? xo

A post shared by IFBB Bikini Pro Melissa Carver (@melissa_carver_x) on

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