2.8 C
21:35 - 22 февруари, 2025

Фреди Меркјури доби улица во Лондон

За животот на легендарниот музичар е снимен филмот „Bohemian Rhapsody“…

Улицата во лондонското преградие каде Фреди Меркјури живеел како тинејџер го доби името „Freddie Mercury Close“, а свечено присуствуваше и сестрата на починатиот печач на легендарната група „Queen“.

Неговото семејство се пресели во Фелтам во западен Лондон откако во време на револуцијата во 1964 го напуштиле Занзибар.

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?Love Me Like There's No Tomorrow? . ✨Freddie released "Love Me Like There's No Tomorrow" on November 18th 1985 as the fourth and final single from his solo album Mr Bad Guy. . ✨Written by Freddie Mercury, the song was originally released with the whole album on April 19th 1985. . ✨The song tells the story of the separation of Freddie and his lover, and how he wants to make the most of the last moments they have together and go back to the way things used to be just for this one day because he doesn't want the relationship to end on a bad note. . ✨The song has somehow been linked to Barbara Valentin, the Austrian actress who was a close friend of Freddie's between 1984 and 1985, the song's however is not exactly about her but actually named after the title of a film she had starred in a long time ago called "Kiss Me Like There's No Tomorrow". . ? Video credits belong to QueenHouse85 YouTube channel. . ?P.S. To me, this is one of the most underrated songs of Freddie and it's such a shame that it didn't even chart at the time of its release. Such heartfelt lyrics and beautiful melody as always… ❤ . #FreddieMercury #LoveMeLikeTheresNoTomorrow

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Властите се сложија да се преименува дел од „Hanworth Road“ во која е седиштето на Светската зороастриска организација.

Семејството всушност живеело недалеку на авенијата „Gladstone“. На тоа место во 2016 година беше поставена плоча. Меркјури почина во 1991 година на 45 години од компликации предизвикани од сида.

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?Somebody To Love (Milton Keynes) Part 2? . ?So I posted the first part of this performance for you and I told you it holds a VERY special place in my heart. Well since it's kind of the anniversary of the creation of this page I'm gonna tell you why this rendition of the song is so important for me: . ?This performance of this song was the first time I realized…or better say the time I fell in love with Freddie Mercury 17 years ago. . ?Of course I knew Queen from "We Will Rock You" by then but whenever I saw Freddie I referred to him as Queen (like so many people still do) but when I saw this performance of "Sombody To Love" on some TV channel about 17 years ago I got to know his name and I remember thinking "Is this the face of that voice I always heard? Damn he's hot! And what a passion!" And from then on I was hooked. . ?And believe it or not I discovered this song way before "Bohemian Rhapsody"…whenever there was a Queen concert on TV I always looked for Somebody To Love which sadly they rarely played but it's awesome to know that STL was also Freddie's favorite composition ever…as if out love story was always meant to be ❤ . ? Live at the Bowl (Milton Keynes) 1982 . #FreddieMercury #SomebodyToLove

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„The Mercury Phoenix Trust“, хуманитарната организација основана по неговата смрт, ги подржува неговите проекти за борба против ширењето на ХИВ вирусот во светот.

За животот на легендарниот музичар е снимен и филмот „Bohemian Rhapsody“ со Рaми Малек во улогата на Фреди за која е награден со Оскар.

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