1.8 C
04:09 - 23 февруари, 2025

Идеалите за убавина се менуваат: Во 2020 година нè очекуваат многу изненадувања! (ФОТО)

Почетокот на 2020 година го одбележаа различни бјути-трендови, но на што можеме да се веселиме, а на што да се надеваме? Светот на козметиката е полн со изненадувања, па веруваме дека и оваа година ќе биде така. Се попопуларни стануваат едноставните и необични работи. Ова се однесува на смелиот стил кој привлекува се повеќе внимание.

Од нацртани и тенки веѓи до потполно природни и неправилни веѓи. Во прв план доаѓаат сите „несовршености“. Тоа е новиот тренд, каде што се истакнува природната убавина. Така февруарскиот број на магазинот „Гламур“ излезе со 11 насловни страни. Жените кои пред неколку години не можеа ниту да сонуваат за да бидат на насловната страна на моден магазин, станаа нивните нови лица. Храброст, единствени особини и необичната убавина на овие жени е сега тренд.

Софија Хаџипантели 

Харнаам Каур

Мунро Бергдорф

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well this is a pinch me moment! whilst I was growing up @glamouruk was my go-to beauty bible, so it feels especially WILD to now be a GLAMOUR cover girl! as a teenager I would never have thought that this would be ever part of my journey, let alone even possible. i hope younger trans peeps can look at this cover moment and feel like anything is possible for them also. set yourself a goal and go for it, don't let ANYONE deter you and do it your way! thank you to the lovely team at @glamouruk for always being so supportive and to my publicist @bethmorrisintl for being the best media mom I could hope for. what a dream! #theselfloveissue #glamouruk photographer @indrekgaletin stylist @taffwilliamson makeup @biancaspencermua hair @cipher_co

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Чидера Егеру

Стефани Јебоах

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(Read whole caption?) Angelic. Ethereal. Innocent, even. ?strutting about in one of my favourite dresses by @lornaluxe for @inthestylecurve ❤️ ___ Speaking of innocence, for all my fellow fats out there, isn’t it annoying when people take one look at you and assume you to be ‘innocent’?. First world problems, I know – but sometimes if feel like…if we aren’t hyper sexual, then we’re completely desexualised all together. I have been getting the whole ‘I thought you were so innocent!?’ talk my whole life, so when I start talking about Smegma and how I’d like to babysit Jason Momoa’s pre-developed kids in my mouth, people always seem shocked, as if to say fat women don’t also dream of having our cheeks smashed to smithereens. Don’t let our round faces and big cheeks fool ya; we also live with thoughts of desire and general nastiness! ?? Photography – @fordtography #inthestylecurve #lornamademedoit

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Џејза Гари

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I needed some time to think before I made this post. Some time to feel the reality of this moment. There was a point where I never would’ve seen this, target, job opportunities, even me being on multiple flights in the same month lol. God is so intentional. To know that he had this in mind way back in 98’…. To know he didn’t make a single mistake when he gifted me to my family and this earth… so grateful. To know he trusts me enough to be courageous and bold. This is only the beginning and I’m so grateful for this start. I refuse to say “this is crazy” anymore because I know this is meant. This is necessary. I don’t know where Ill go from this point, but I do know it’s only up from here. I invite all Opportunities and ventures in this year. I can’t wait to see where he takes me. #theselfloveissue #glamouruk #firstcover Thank you everyone for helping with this. ✨I love you all more than you’ll ever know!♥️♥️♥️

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