2.8 C
20:09 - 22 февруари, 2025

Неодоливата Лорен Симпсон и корисни совети како да постигнете совршено тело! (ФОТО)

Лорен Симпсон е фитнес модел и бикини натпревачувач од Австралија. Сигурно веќе сте виделе нејзини фотографии, бидејќи таа е доста актуелна на социјалните мрежи.

Симпсон води активен начин на живот, а уште од раното детство се занимава со спорт, поточно со одбојка.

Своето тело често го доведувала до границите на издржливоста, со тоа што како помлада внесувала минимална количина на храна.

Сепак, прекрасната Лорен потоа успеала да го пронајде патот до совршено тело и да воведе рамнотежа во својата исхрана.

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Ditch the ‘all or nothing’ approach to nutrition & training. ‼️With all my girls staring the challenge this week I thought this was particularly important. So please read below!?? – Strive for consistency over perfection. It’s better to be 80% compliant every day while enjoying your food, training & life…than killing yourself for the 100% but then falling off track to 0% every couple days. – You don’t have to suffer to get results. The more restrictive or deprived you are doesn’t mean you will be guaranteed better progress – often this leads to binges, falling way off track and an unhealthy relationship with food. – You will get hungry if you are dieting. It’s normal. This is just the downside of being in a calorie deficit and being further from your metabolic set point. Recognise the feeling & manage it as best you can! – Understand that you will have bad days! No one is perfect!!! Yes you are likely to miss a workout, yes you may eat over your calories, yes you might go out for a friends birthday and have a few too many wines…it’s life. If you have a bad day, don’t let it turn into a bad week & then a bad month! Accept it and move on! Don’t dwell on the past…you cannot change it – but you can change the future. ? – An all or nothing approach leaves you thinking that anything less than ‘perfect’ is failing. ? – Good enough really is good enough. Something is better than nothing. Any small effort is worthy of being recognised and proud of. ? @laurensimpsonfitness

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Мојот пат се разликува од класичните успешни приказни за слабеењето. Не сум имала проблем со прекумерната тежина, напротив бев премногу слаба, исцрпена и опседната со својот изглед. На крај сепак се трансформирав од слаба, нездрава девојка, во жена полна со самодоверба и волја за живот – вели Лорен.

Лорен сега редовно оди во теретана и прави вежби за обликување на телото, како и кардио тренинг и тренинг за сила.

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Bout that booty ???‍♀️ Okay so I know a lot of you are scared to post on social media your selfies, booty pics or any photos really for fear of judgement or not wanting to come across vain. – So here’s my message to you: TAKE THOSE PHOTOS! POST THOSE PHOTOS! ?? – I love photos as they capture moments in my life I want to remember and am proud of. – Photos for me are very motivating to look back on and see how far I’ve come. – Often I look at my shoot pics and think ‘wow is that really me’…sometimes just looking at a picture of yourself can boost that confidence on days you don’t feel great and help you see yourself in a new light. – I did this photoshoot not being super shredded. It’s helped me embrace my not as lean self of late and be more comfortable with some extra kilos. – Sure people who don’t understand might roll their eyes but do your best to ignore it and just do what makes you happy. You cannot please everyone in life so don’t let this hold you back! – Your heart and good intentions are what matter. Do things that are good for your mindset – so if you feel good posting those photos – GO FOR IT GIRL!?? – Cheers to being unapologetically you and doing what makes your heart warm!!! Empowered women empower women.????? – – ? @erikabencsphotography @clique_styling @hairbyjaxx @sarahmicklesmakeupartistry

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Неодоливата Лорен ги поттикнува сите жени да тренираат со тегови и е вистинска инспирација за милиони луѓе ширум светот.

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You don’t always have to be ‘cutting’ or ‘bulking’. Right now I like to say I’m just in a LIFE phase aka maintenance. ??‍♀️ – What this means for me? I’ve taken a break from tracking my calories & have been eating intuitively. I’m in the gym putting the extra food to good use & focusing on getting stronger. My calories are up higher. I don’t feel guilty if I take multiple rest days per week. I go out for dinner and drinks more often. Finding balance between my fitness goals & every day life. I’m not stressing about monitoring every little detail. – With that being said, I am still mindful of my nutrition and training…the difference is I’m just not as strict. Particularly at this time of year a ‘LIFE’ phase works for me. – My weight is pretty steady now and has been for some time…which means I’m neither losing or gaining. This indicates I am roughly around my maintenance calorie intake. Maybe pushing a little into a surplus the past week though. ?? – I’m not trying to get more ‘shredded’ right now (lol I spend a large portion of my year with that goal). Just wanting to ‘maintain’ your physique isn’t as exciting I know but if you do want to diet down in the future, having your calories up a little higher will help to restore your metabolism and establish itself at a higher rate…which makes it a lot easier to lose fat (and keep it off) when you move back into a deficit again in the future. – I’ll be starting to track my intake again when my 8 week challenge kicks off on the 27th Jan. I want to be right with you girls & use this as motivation! ?? – SHRED with me! Link in my bio to come join @laurensimpson ♥️

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