1.8 C
03:35 - 23 февруари, 2025

Овие ѕвезди изгледаат непрепознатливо после низата естетски корекции! (ФОТО)


Пластичните операции веќе долго време се нормална работа во модерната доба. Со самото тоа не е тајна дека многу славни личности со пластичните операции имаат корегирано некои делови од своето тело, иако тоа не го признаваат. Бројни ѕвезди после операциите изгледаат непрепознатливо, а во продолжение се само некои од нив. Проценете самите дали овие ѕвезди претерале со естетските корекции.

Кајли Џенер

Бела Хадид

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From pretty to… 'Most Beautiful Woman Alive?' ?⁠ Thoughts? ⬇️⁠ .⁠ Apparently some cosmetic surgeon did a facial analysis of Bella Hadid and said her face matches the "Golden Ratio" better than any other celebrity, thus making her the most beautiful woman alive. However, I disagree. Don't get me wrong, I think she is beautiful, but I wouldn't give her the title of 'Most Beautiful Woman Alive'. Sometimes our imperfections make us more beautiful if anything! ⁠ .⁠ What do you think?⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ ? @celebglowup2⁠ #hadidnews #lipsonfleek #injectables #bellahadidnews #bellahadid #lips #cosmetic #pout #injectors #injector #bellahadidfans #cosmeticinjectables #kendalljenner #filler #plasticsurgery #victoriasecretmodels⁣⁠ #bellahadidstyle #cosmeticsurgery #kyliejenner #hadidsisters #lipinjections #dermalfiller #lipfillers #perfectlips #celebrityplastics

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Парис Хилтон

Блејк Лајвли

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?Blake Lively’s transformation! Can you spot any changes?? Comment below ??! . . Good plastic surgery will enhance the face and blend and balance features. This is especially true of rhinoplasty. No nose is perfect. Not even Blake’s. She clearly has tip asymmetry but it’s a perfect nose for her and her face. Well done! . What do you think of her new nose? Be sure to follow my other account @doctor.keyes! . . . ? @naderi_center and @cosmetic.derm #blakelively #celebtransformation #rhinoplasty #botox #wrinkles #lips #lipfillers #plasticsurgery #beauty #cosmeticsurgery #ootd #fashion #injections #makeup #injectables #skincare #model #pretty #amazing #gorgeous #kimk #kardashian #celebsplasticsurgery #kylielips #juvedermlips #nosejob

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Кендал Џенер

Меган Фокс

Ким Кардашијан

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2007 x 2019 ?? Which is your favorite look? Comment ⬇️.⁠ You always see @celebrityplastics now it's time to finally follow! .⁠ Can you believe how much Kim K has changed over the years? Who would have ever guessed back in 2007 that she would be the pop icon that she is today! Can you see what has changed in Kim's face? Comment your thoughts below!⁠ .⁠ Lovely post by my favorite @kardashkdoll – go follow!⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ @kimkardashian / #keepingupwiththekardashians #kimkardashian #khloekardashian #robkardashian #kendalljenner #gigihadid #shawnmendes #drake #justinbieber #kourtneykardashian #arianagrande‪ ‬#krisjenner #selenagomez #beyonce #kyliecosmetics #northwest #travisscott #tristanthompson #nickiminaj #kardashian #stormiwebster #tyga #cardib #plasticsurgery #celebrityplastics

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