2.8 C
22:12 - 22 февруари, 2025

Влакнести со причина: Погледнете зошто многу жени овој месец не ги депилираат пазувите и нозете! (ФОТО)

Оваа кампања ја поддржа и познатата манекенка Емили Ратајковски.

Дали сте слушнале за „Januhairy“?

„Влакнест јануари“- во превод на македонски, кампања на социјалните мрежи која ги слави влакната на женското тело, а која во 2019 година ја покрена Британката Лаура Џексон.


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Three days in to the world wide #januhairy movement, combating social pressures on what it means to be a ‘Woman’, or any identity for that matter, whilst raising money for @treesisters_official ? protecting and restoring our natural habitat, as well as our bodies. How is your januhairy going so far? ‘Wait what? It’s januhairy 3rd already? Damn, isn’t it too late to join in?’ Umm NO OF COURSE NOT ?This is all about your individual experiences within the empowering community of Januhairy! Start now, start next week; you’re still spreading our message and challenging yourself and, in turn, fucking with the patriarchy… Visit ‘januhairy . org’ (without the spaces) for more info on the movement and the charity involved. Photo from @neonmoon whose products we are very excited to be involved with in our upcoming photo shoot! ’Waaat? A photo shoot? Wow!’. Yup, we are hosting a Januhairy photo shoot this weekend in London celebrating all beautiful hairy bodies!! There will for sure be a few little teasers on our stories all throughout the day, so keep your eyes peeled ? Hairy hugs!

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– Иако се чуствувам самоуверено околу своите влакна, некои луѓе тоа не го разбираат и ме осудуваат бидејќи не се бричам, па сфатив дека сама не можам да ги променам наметнатите стандарди за убавина – објаснила минатата година Џексон за „Би-Би-СИ“.


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‘what if we grew up seeing natural body hair in adverts? magazines? movies?’ @fenellascorner #januhairy

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Всушност, нејзината цел е да ги потикне жените во јануари (но, ако сакаат и во остатокот од годината), да престанат да се депилирааат и гордо да ги покажат своите влакна на социјалните мрежи со цел да се срушат постоечките „бјути“ стандради.

На истото минатата година повика и славната манекенка Емили Ратајковски, која за „Harper’s Bazaar“ гордо ги покажа своите влакнести пазуви.


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Just over a week to go until #januhairy 2020! Are you thinking of taking up any challenges next month? Dry January? Veganuary? Why not try joining in with the many women around the world taking part in Januhairy! Januhairy is a project which has grown into (pun intended!) a wonderful community that empowers women globally, whilst also tackling the imminent issue of climate change that we are all facing together. This year we are raising money for the wonderful @treesisters_official in order to help regrow our planet whilst also battling stereotypes that we face every day. Disposable plastic razors contribute to the enormous issue of single use plastics polluting our Earth, so why not drop the razor, raise some money for a wonderful charity, whilst joining a loving and supportive community of women taking part. There is still time to get involved, so keep an eye out for our website launching tomorrow, as well as JANUHAIRY MERCH which will be coming very soon! We cant wait to embark on this challenge with you – let’s grow out our hair to clear the planet’s air! – photo by @topxrahman ?

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– Собраните средства од кампањата ќе ги донираме во организација за заштита и чување на околината „TreeSisters“, пишува на објавата на Фејсбук.


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Hairy New Year!! Today marks the first day of #januhairy2020 where women all over the world come together to drop our razors for the month of January. The focus may be on women, but this doesn’t mean we exclude the experiences of other genders and identities in this conversation! Lets educate one another on all experiences with this ‘prickly’ subject. Our focus this year is to support Tree Sisters in protecting, restoring and funding reforestation… ‘We envision a world in which it is normal for everyone to protect and restore themselves and their world.’ @treesisters_official A plight we resonate with as women who want to protect and restore our personal natural habitats! Even if you are not personally joining in with januhairy this year, I encourage you to talk about it with others; if we see the same things again and again, it becomes normal. I hope the new year has wonderful things in store for each and every one of you!

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