9.8 C
14:34 - 22 јануари, 2025

Неодоливата Аманда отсекогаш уживала во спортот, а најдобар показател за тоа е нејзиниот изглед (ФОТО)

Аманда Бучи е бикини спортист, модел и ѕвезда на социјалните мрежи.

Бучи е од САД, а имала активно детство, па уште како дете се занимавала со многу спортови, а најмногу сакала фудбал.

Меѓутоа, таа набргу открила дека нејзината страст не е поврзана со тимските спортови, па поради тоа, Аманда почнала да бара алтернативи.

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? Womxn. ⠀ We been told we can be successful, but not too much — it’s “intimidating.” We can share our voices, but not too loudly. We can love our bodies, but only if they’re small. We can own our sexuality, but too much is slutty. ⠀ Not only have we been historically rejected, but we’ve bought into that belief and rejected ourselves in the process. ⠀ We’ve disowned the parts of us that are innately feminine. Intuitive and wise?‍♀️ Sensual and sexual.? Emotional and sensitive.??‍♀️ Gentile and soft.?? Playful and silly.??‍♀️ Radiant and beautiful.?? ⠀ We’ve been owning our masculine qualities by creating businesses?, succeeding in our careers, and not relying on anyone else… ⠀ But we’ve swung so far in that direction, it’s difficult to drop into the gentility of our nature.? ⠀ Are you still buying into the belief that your inherent nature is wrong? That it should be dimmed to keep you safe? ⠀ Womxn’s empowerment is meant to support women in being *all* of themselves. ⠀ So here I am: ALL of me. ⠀ For the first few years of my career, I focused on owning my power through discipline. Focus. Intention. Ambition. Relentlessness. ⠀ And now, I’m focusing on owning my intuition. My gentle, kind nature. My sensuality and sexuality. My body in all it’s cycles and stages. My vast, range of emotions from anger to terror to sadness to fear. ⠀ I welcome all of these properties into the light. To show themselves. To let them all be here. To honor all of them, for they make me a Whole Human.? ⠀ These properties live inside all of us. ⠀ We suffer when we reject them, cast them aside, and shut them away. ⠀ We’ve had others reject the wide range of womanly aspects in history, and things are changing, slowly but surely. ⠀ Let’s start owning these aspects within ourselves first. ⠀ Say it with me: ⠀ ✨“I own all parts of who I am. I welcome all aspects that live inside me to be here. All of me is worthy. I access my power from both my masculine AND feminine qualities. I am power, for it is my nature. I am love.”✨ ⠀ Flourish & Conquer, Amanda

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Аманда почнала да оди во теретана и да се занимава со разни дисциплини за подобрување на своето тело и изглед.

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5 years ago, I posted my first fitness picture in a sports bra on Instagram. ⠀ I hid my account from my peers. Making in unprivate felt terrifying. ⠀ Eventually, my first ever online coaching client wanted to work with me. ⠀ With her and a few more—I was able to make a living immediately after college. ⠀ I could pay my rent for my crappy apartment in LA, which felt like a huge win. ⠀ I was in total disbelief. It pushed me to keep going. ⠀ 1 year later, I published my first (horrible) YouTube video. ⠀ I went on to make 450 YouTube videos + 25 million views on my channel. ⠀ 2 years ago, I started my podcast—which now has over 6 million downloads and an awesome community. ⠀ I created my first group business coaching program, and got my first 20 high-ticket clients. ⠀ That one, same program has now served over 225+ students and has made my business 1.5+ million dollars. The program also helped launch the businesses of many successful 6 & multiple 6-figure business owners today —which is the coolest part?? ⠀ And it all started with an idea. ⠀ Everyone’s journey is different, but the process that we’ve figured out works the same — getting your business started requires a special combination of risk-taking, strategies to nail it, and an investment in yourself. ⠀ For fitness, health, business, spiritual, mindset, relationship, and other coaches and other clinicians still making less than $5k/month in their businesses — but have the same kind of willingness I did to make it all happen — we’re ready for you. ⠀ The Flourish & Conquer Accelerator (8.0) is officially open for our next cohort enrollment??? ⠀ FCA is a 90-Day, classroom-style Business Accelerator Program for entrepreneurs making less than $5k/month in their businesses who are ready to get the results their business deserves. ⠀ We’ll help you attract, connect with, and sell to your Ideal Dream Client, grow a monetizable, potential-client-filled social media audience, and finally get the freedom you deserve. ⠀ When you tell your story 5-years from now, what will it look like? ⠀ Link in my bio to apply. We start July 7th – I wouldn’t wait. . . . @3muh ? @angieleeshow with the post inspo?

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Таа ги импресионирала сите со својата фигура и така освоила трофеј во бикини натпреварување од А класа. Тоа ја мотивирало и за понатамошни успеси како спортист.

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It’s not about how much you make, it’s about how much you leave on the table. ⠀ Over the years of growing a business, I’ve learned essentially every “hack,” strategy, and tactic available to make the moola I desire. ⠀ From Sales Psychology to Digital Marketing – although I’m still learning, I logically “know” enough to make multiple 7-figures. ⠀ What I see in common amongst the entrepreneurial masses (myself included) is how often we all leave money on the table due to what’s happening inside, rather than what we “don’t know.” ⠀ Most of us: ✖️Allow our feelings and stories stop us from pitching, selling, and closing. ✖️Hold onto lies about money and sales that sabotage our success. ✖️Have deeply held beliefs and unconscious patterns that can hurt, damage, or minimize the success of our businesses. ⠀ If you want to hear the Truth about why you’re leaving cash on the table (and how to overcome it with simple action steps): ⠀ The ? Empowered To Sell Challenge ?I’m hosting on June 10-12 will show you *everything* you need to know about releasing the internal blocks that stop you from making more money in your business. ⠀ I’ve been DYING to create this training because I see how deeply it’s needed—whether you’re a total newbie or a seasoned entrepreneur. ⠀ In just three days, you’ll have journaled + re-framed + taken actual action steps (that I’ll be providing you) that will get you even further into your power. ⠀ These trainings will allow you to easily double your revenue, if not more. ⠀ I get *exactly* why you feel icky and out of integrity while selling, raising your prices, pitching consistently, or avoiding it altogether. ⠀ Let me show you how to get out of that so you can pitch with ease, make more money, and feel in integrity AF while doing it. ⠀ Empowered To Sell Free 3-Day Challenge begins on June 10th. Link in my bio to sign up?

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Во текот на наредните три години, Аманда учествувала на уште шест натпреварувања, пласирајќи се во првите три места на секое од нив – додавајќи во својата колекција уште неколку титули.

Покрај својот успех како бикини спортист, Аманда станала популарна и на социјалната мрежа на Инстаграм каде се здобила со голема маса на следбеници, со кои го споделува својот начин на живот и режим на исхрана.

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(Loading???) Your programming will begin once the download is complete. Please wait. ⠀ So, I'm taking a brief break from here. Posting, the gram. The “vortex.” ⠀ After writing 3000+ Instagram posts, making 450 YouTube videos, recording almost 200 podcast episodes, sending endless emails and filming infinity Instagram stories over the last four years – my body has been telling me its time for an intermission. ⠀ I’ve been feeling—now more than ever—that my next version of myself is being downloaded. ⠀ It’s almost as if all of my next big ideas, content, strategies, and even energy to keep doing what I’m doing is trying to update like my iPhone, but I keep interrupting it. ⠀ It’s so much easier to avoid taking the space, so I’ve been steamrolling through and letting my routine take the lead. When what I really need is to plug my phone into the wall and let the system upgrade happen. ⠀ Building a very large company requires a certain time of energy to hold his vision. If Steve Jobs didn’t believe that Apple was going to change the world and decided “nevermind, this is too hard,” none of us would be reading this caption on our iPhones. ⠀ I am very clear that the dent I’m making in the world and the people I’m making it for are SO important, I need to be prepared to go to battle for it. I need to have the energy, the power, the clarity, the focus, and the alignment to move the entire ship of a company and a mission that’s become far bigger than myself. ⠀ So, I’m recharging and giving myself some breathing room. You may see me pop in here from time to time if I feel truly called (and I’ll obviously still be working with my clients), but I’m releasing all of the “shoulds” from my day to day to allow space for the next “me” to fully update. ⠀ And when I return: trust me. It’ll be good. ⠀ If you’re experiencing any sort of transitional period in life – don’t fret, these feelings normal (I felt a bit crazy too.) You’re in the brink of a breakthrough. Give yourself the space you need to allow for it to happen. ⠀ I love you, Amanda. ? @3muh

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