-0.2 C
04:10 - 7 март, 2025

Нејзиниот одлично обликуван задник ги излудува сите мажи ширум светот! (ФОТО)

Аманда Френсон стана позната поради својот перфектно обликуван задник. Таа прави вежби за долниот дел од телото секоја недела, а вели и дека никогаш не го прескокнува овој важен тренинг.

Меѓутоа, интересно е тоа што Аманда пред своето фитнес патување изгледала сосема поинаку.

Дури откако почнала со тренинзи за сила, таа успеала да изгради неверојатна фигура, па денеска слободно можеме да кажеме дека е инспирација за сите жени во светот.

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Sometimes people ask me how I stay motivated. To be honest, it's easy to stay motivated when you have a dedicated, gorgeous and hard working sister like this one☝??? We've been working super hard lately to create a workout guide that can help and motivate others, can't even explain how much time and effort we've put in this guide. Because of that, I'm extra proud to announce that our guide is finally available!!??? This is so exciting and we hope that everyone who tries our guide will be just as happy about it as we are. You can find the link to our website both in mine and @filippafranssoon bio. There you can read a little bit about the guide and what's included. If there are any problems with the website or the guide, please send a DM! Thank you so much for your patient and support❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Според нејзините зборови, првите неколку месеци и биле најтешки, но со текот на времето се навикнала на вежбањето и потполно успеала да си го промени животот.

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Currently my favourite gym wear from @prettylittlething ? I am going to start this week with a small Q&A in this post, just like I did in one of my posts last week. Like I told you back then, I currently get so many DMs that it is impossible for me to respond to everything, but I try to pick up some of the most common questions. Last time it was a mix of questions, but in this post I'll focus on reflections about food and nutrition. Hope it can be helpful so some of you?? Q: How do you know how many calories you should eat every day? A: There are different ways to calculate your calories/nutrition, I've picked the easy one. I simply use the app Lifesum to track my calories and macros. There are a lot of good apps that you can use, and they make it very easy to track your daily intake and needs. Q: How much protein should I eat every day to gain muscles? A: A general rule is 1,5-2 g protein per kg body weight. For example my bodyweigt is 60 kg, 60×2=120 g protein each day. I usually eat more than that, but it is a good guideline to use this "rule" in the beginning. Q: I have a hard time reaching my daily calorie intake, what should I do? A: This is something that I struggled with a lot as a beginner(and I still do sometimes). I love food but I had such a hard time reaching my daily calorie intake, and that is frustrating when you want go gain weight. What I did, was adding "hidden" calories to my food. For example, instead of making ordinary scrambled eggs in the morning, I blended the eggs with milk and feta cheese. Suddenly my breakfast was around 800 calories(you can find this meal in the highlight "food and nutrition" in my bio). I also had a hard time eating oatmeal porridge, I really don't like it, but I NEEDED the oats in order to reach my carb level. So I started doing a real "bulk shake" where I added 80 g oats. This shake is around 1000 calories, it is easy to portion it in two halves if 1000 calories at once feels to much. This shake can also be found in the highlight "food and nutrition". ???

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Аманда денеска е препознатлива по одличното тело, а таа е активна и на социјалната мрежа Инстаграм, каде своите следбеници редовно ги радува со фотографии од своето тело.

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?Summer=Every second pic needs to be in a bikini??. I still get a lot of questions about my nutrient ratio and my calorie intake. I usually don't count my calories everyday and I almost never weigh my food. This was something that I did in the beginning, because it helps a lot, but with time I've learnt to roughly estimate my daily needs without calculating in any nutrition app. I still use it from time to time though, for example when I have a certain goal weight that I really want to reach in a limited amount of time. Anyway, below comes my weight and height, together with my daily intake ??? Weight: 59 kg Height: 168 cm 2400 calories 305 g carbs 122 g protein 81 g fat. Hair is by @hairtasticab ?

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