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20:14 - 22 февруари, 2025

Новогодишна честитка на Меган и Хари: Се надеваме дека 2020 ќе ви донесе здравје и среќа (ФОТО)

Ни беше чест да се запознаеме со сите вас ширум светот, напишаа војводата и војвотката.

Меган Маркл и принцот Хари објавија новогодишна честитка на Инстаграм, која претставува компилација од најважните моменти во 2019.

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Today we look back to Christmas 2018, and The Duchess of Sussex's visit to Brinsworth House, a residential and nursing care home in Twickenham, owned and run by the Royal Variety Charity. Each year, the UK’s much beloved Royal Variety performance is held in aid of the Royal Variety Charity of which Her Majesty The Queen is Patron. Funds raised from the show and throughout the year, help entertainers from around the UK who need support and assistance as a result of old age, ill-health, or hard times. At Brinsworth House, The Duchess joined residents singing carols and making Christmas decorations, as she unveiled a traditional 'Royal plaque' which is proudly displayed on the entrance hall wall, not far from one marking the 1976 visit of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother. Last Christmas, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended their first joint Royal Variety performance at the iconic London Palladium. Since HRH’s visit, the Royal Variety Charity has completely refurbished Brinsworth House’s kitchen and dining room, enabling residents to feel even more at home, in their new home. #RoyalVarietyPerformance @royalvarietyperformance Photo © PA

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Во фокусот на нивните најубави моменти секако е раѓањето на нивниот син Арчи, а на честитката се најде и нова фотографија од него, снимена за време на празниците во Ванкувер.

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Spotlight on: The Hubb Community Kitchen It was just one year ago that The Duchess of Sussex made a special visit to the women of The Hubb Community Kitchen to help prepare meals for those in need. The connection between The Duchess and these women began a year prior, as she supported them in the creation of “Together”, a charity cookbook which celebrates the power of cooking to bring communities together. The cookbook showcases recipes from women whose community was affected by the 2017 Grenfell Tower fire in London. Their incredible stories and personal recipes placed “Together” on The New York Times Bestseller List and The Sunday Times Booklist. Today, the women at the Hubb Community Kitchen continue to have a positive impact in their community, across the UK, and around the world. Whether it’s providing a safe space for women and children to come for a hot meal, supporting local schools, serving free lunches to senior citizens, partnering with the Red Cross to provide lunches for refugees, or feeding the homeless – the Hubb helps and heals through their support and sustenance. Thank you, ladies, for the leadership and inspiration that your cooking and love of community brings to all those around you. We remain so very proud of the good work that you continue to do, and cannot wait to see what 2020 brings! Photo © PA / Hubb Kitchen / Jenny Zarin

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Арчи на фотографијата носи нова капа, јакна и чизми од овча кожа, подарок од австралискиот гувернер Питер Кросгрув.

„Ни беше чест да се запознаеме со сите вас ширум светот и едвај чекаме да стекнеме нови познанства следната година. Се надеваме дека 2020 ќе ви донесе здравје и среќа“, пишува во описот на видеото.

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