5.8 C
11:04 - 22 јануари, 2025

Дру Баримор ја откри болната вистина за борбата со килограмите! (ФОТО)

Актерката Дру Баримот имаше огромни проблеми со килограмите, а неодамна на својот инстаграм-профил за јавноста откри како се соочувала со тоа, но и на фановите им упати важна порака.

Всушност, актерката објави 2 фотографии, една од периодот кога била задоволна со изгледот, а потоа едно кога не била.

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I go up and I go down. The rollercoaster of my body is a challenging, but beautiful ride. I made two kids. The single most important purpose for me being on this planet is for them! It is a true miracle I was able to have these two girls. So whatever the aftermath on my body, well bring it on! That said, there have been times i have stood in my closet and just cried. Hated getting dressed. Didn’t feel good! It takes so much for me to look decent. I have to eat just right and Work my ass off! I cannot fight the fact that I have the propensity to be the Pillsbury dough boy! (Now all I can think about is crescent rolls) So DON’T Be fooled by what you see when people are thin right after baby. Don’t compare yourself to the magazines and the red carpets. If I looked decent on anything I have done since I had my two kids, I have clawed my way there. You can too! However, it is hard to sustain and can take a lot of the joy out of life with food. But not anymore. NOW I have found that elusive B called BALANCE. 45! It only took 45 years to find myself. Right where I am supposed to be. And it’s not perfect. But it’s me. And most importantly, I want to share it with you. Ps this is the power of @marniealton, she’s the one who helped me be @santaclaritadiet ready! #WELLNESSWEEK

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„Се здебелувам и слабеам. Борбата на моето тело со килограмите е предизвик, но и прекрасен пат. Родив две деца, а мојата најважна цел е да бидам тука за нив. Вистинско чудо е што можев да родам две девојчиња. Имаше моменти кога стоев пред својот гардаробер и плачев. Се мразев кога морав да се облечам. Не се чувствував добро“, откри Дру.

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#WELLNESSWEEK @marniealton @mbodybymarniealton This woman is my long time teacher and dear important friend. She has helped me. Healed me. Encouraged me to keep going when I felt like being strong was an insurmountable task. We have known each other for about 15 years and when I told her I wanted to transform my body for #SANTACLARITADIET she helped me. Every spring, when I would start training to become #SHEILAHAMMOND Marnie was the one who got me there. I lost 20 pounds and trained like a mother. She also is the most amazing person. She is poetry in a human being. The best heart. Her priorities are in the right place. She is humorous and so so so knowledgeable about our bodies. I love her. Inside and out. Her classes are always booked up and we all love to run to her for her spirit and leadership for all things healthy. We hope the people in the wellness world are actually healthy in their hearts and minds. It’s not all about being terminators! It’s about how to find yourself. How to be your best self. But we need guidance and we hope our teachers are smart and wise and sane! Marnie is one of the greats. Period. And if your looking for a life change or to find your consistent tribe, she is where I found mine.

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Освен ова признание, таа на своите фанови им пренесе и важна порака.

„Не се споредувајте себеси со жените од списанијата или црвениот тепих“, заклучи актерката.

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