2.8 C
19:53 - 22 февруари, 2025

Неверојатнатата Елин со својата фантастична фигура ги руши стереотипите (ФОТО)

Елин Хедстром е шведска фитнес икона позната по своите неверојатни облини и фантастастично тело, кое го покажува на социјалните мрежи преку слики и видеозаписи.

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UNFILTERED and still HAPPY ☺️ swipe once for a video ? So according to media this is FAR from “perfect” ❌ Cellulites, stretches, a little jiggel here and there and if you zoom in you can see a little pimple between my brows. ?? But you know what? I’m perfect for me. ❤️ absolutely nothing will get better if I’m being negative about it. And it really helps me “reveal” myself now and then. ?? Would it get better by being negative? No ? So we might as well rock it, dare to show of even the things you’re not a fan of about ourselves. If it doesn’t help you (which I think it does) it sure help others! And that’s a win itself right! ? Also I wanted to give myself credit for my GAINS? I’m now doing at LEAST 2 leg/booty workouts a week, one with focus on my butt where I isolate my glutes. And the other I do compound/basic- exercises. AND actually ? even on upperbody-days I make sure to do one tiny ?-exercise as well. ? guess I’m obsessed, but check the last video from yesterday after a short 30 min sesh in the bootybuilder machine ? NEVER skip your heavy hip thrusts girls and boys! ?

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Покрај тоа што е фитнес модел, Елин е и амбасадорка на спортски бренд.

Преку интензивна работа во теретана, Елин своите сништа успеа да ги претвори во реалност, а денеска таа е инспирација за жените кои сакаат да го направат истото.

Со текот на времето, со напорна работа, Елин сфатила кои вежби најмногу и делуваат на нејзиното тело, а кои не.

Па така, Елин најмногу се концентрира на кревање на големи тегови со мали повторувања, како што се 3 до 6 повторувања по сет.

Бидејќи Елин посветува посебно внимание на својата исхрана, не и е потребно да врши и интензивни кардио тренинзи.

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2020 sounds GOOD! ????? As a person I’ve grown sooo much this last year. It has given me smiles but also lots of tears. In fact this last month was the toughest and most sad one in a long time. Nothing that’s happened directly to me but to my most beloved ones, and that’s probably worse. But I’m still alive and therefore even more positive and happy going into a new year?! Life isn’t always golden and glamorous so this text may not belong to yesterday’s new year pic at all. But still, I’m so thankful for it all, because without those rough times I wouldn’t became this strong woman? RESOLUTIONS? This year is strictly about continue my growing both mind and butt, spreading love, be present, be more wise choosing my surroundings, laugh even more if possible and well I could go on forever..? 2020 IS GOING TO BE AMAZING!! ?? #happynewyear ?

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Главната лекција која треба да се научи од Елин Хедстрон е тоа дека ако сакате да станете силни и здрави, потребно е да го прифатите процесот на вежбање, да се храните квалитетно и да имате добар сон.

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As you know I want to grow, build more muscles, feel stronger etc. So on Monday❗️ I’m starting with a dietplan to make sure I eat EVERYTHING I need for that to happen. ?️‍♂️??? I’m going to eat even MORE ? than before and I’m so excited to see where this can take me! ??? I’m so bad at eating regularly and some days I eat like a horse and another day too little compared to my training so this will help for sure. No competition planed, just to get stronger and psst…bootygains, I want moore. And more shoulders, back, more of everything. ? I just LOOVE this lifestyle!! ??‍♀️ Working on me for me ❤️ Wish me luck iiiiih?!! | AD. Use FROKEN10 to save ✨ @loungeunderwear #myloungelife #loungeunderwear

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